Tuesday, November 28, 2017

NaNo2017 Day 28: It Is Finished

11:45 AM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Daily Notes: This is it, my final NaNo post for 2017. With two days left in the month, I completed the first draft of Kiss of the Dragon. A little swell of emotion, maybe even a tear or two, is common when I type THE END on a manuscript. Today was no exception. 

It's been a fun ride, creating a world of dragons, fire, romance, and villains. And now I must set it aside briefly to let the tale "rest" before tackling edits. ::sniff:: I can't wait to share this story with you all, and I'll have a cover reveal before too long. And now, to go collapse and celebrate until it's time to head to the day job!

Daily Total: 3310 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 

Her stomach turned completely over, and he pulled back just enough for her to see the red glimmer flame in his eyes. He kissed her right in front of the others, teasing her with a soft, but insistent exploration by his tongue that weakened her knees.

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Monday, November 27, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 27: The Final Frontier

11:01 AM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: Up and at 'em this morning, I started writing immediately and worked my way into the final chapter of the book. Cautiously optimistic, folks, that this draft WILL be finished by the 30th!

Daily Total: 2832 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 

Derek found a blissful rhythm drying and polishing without having to think about anything in particular. What a rare respite from the constantly grinding mental machine. Between his own chaotic thoughts and those of the inner dragon who liked to chip in here and there, his head was normally in full gear these days. 

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 25 and 26: Weekend Warrior

12:37 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: It was my weekend off from the day job, and I was greatly looking forward to a chance to collapse after a long week of work and fighting off my cold. On Saturday, I only managed a couple hundred words, a load of laundry, and a few other household chores before succumbing to long naps. Plus a couple video games and a marathon of back-to-back romance movies. Today I got off to a better start, pounding out my word count by noon.

Daily Total: Saturday 285, Sunday 1861

Favorite Line Written Today: 
Something low in his gut unhinged, both dreading and longing for a glimpse of her, to inhale the floral scent of her silky hair, snag his hands in it as he showed her why they should never be apart…

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Friday, November 24, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 24: Black Friday Boogie

1:55 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: It's Black Friday! I won't be hitting stores today, but I've grabbed a few online bargains and still might hit a website or two. Still feeling meh with the sinus/cold thing, but I managed to bang out a decent word count before heading into work.

Daily Total: 2209 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 
The mark he’d made on her skin had faded to a faint pink circle with a slightly jagged outer edge, almost like a ring of flames bound to eternity with no beginning and no end.

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 23: Thanksgiving Holiday Shenanigans

9:38 AM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: I took a day off from writing today while the enticing aroma of roast beef fills the house. Not turkey this year, but yum enough. It's Thanksgiving here in the states, and while I'll be off to the hospital job later this afternoon, for now it's time for some rest/relaxation.

Daily Total: Zero!

Favorite Line Written Today: Nope.

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 22: Low Energy Willpower

12:34 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: Darn cold season is doing its best to drag me through the mud, but I'm pushing through the headache, raw throat, and sinus pressure to at least get some word count in.

Daily Total: 1290 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 
“This whole thing, teaming up to get Palmer, it’s not exactly a dragon’s M.O. It’s not like we have a pack mentality. Dragons are solitary, secretive creatures.”

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 20 and 21: 60k and Climbing

1:10 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: Okay, weird...I swore I did an update for yesterday, but it's just gone. Poof. Kaput. sigh. In any case, I rallied pretty good on Monday, putting forth 2300 words before work. Today, battling a sinus infection that just can't say goodbye, I took a mid-morning nap and didn't quite hit the 1667 daily goal. BUT I did cross the 60k milestone for the book, and that's nothing to sneeze at! Well, except for those darn sinuses...

Daily Total: yesterday 2309; today 1394

Favorite Line Written Today: 
Am I supposed to just forget about that mark I put on your shoulder? I can feel it even now, you know, binding us together. I could feel that tie when you were being brought here and I was still up in the mountains.”

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 19: Late and Not Great

11:12 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: In an about-face from yesterday's early start, I had a sleepy Sunday, lazing around in bed well past the alarm. With other writing biz to get done and only a couple hours to get in word count before heading for the day job, the total came in a bit short. But it's forward momentum nonetheless, and I'm working on a fun confrontation scene between the hero and villain.

Daily Total: 1295 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 
“You made a choice coming here to put your friends in front of your greed. You’re going to make it again. What will it be, dragon? The lives sitting behind you, or this pendant?”

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 18: Lemons to Lemonade

12:41 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: Saturday, shmaturday. Woke up at 6 a.m. and started rockin' it. Granted, the reason I woke up early was the dog was being sick on the rug. Ick. But instead of staggering back to bed (which was considered), I decided to turn that lemon into lemonade and get a jump start on the day's word count before heading into my work shift in the afternoon.

Daily Total: 3326 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 

“Shocking the first time you see it, isn’t it?” he said to the group. “You think you’re seeing things. That maybe you’re crazy. But that’s not it at all. There are creatures among us who aren’t human. Men who shift into mythological monsters.”

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Friday, November 17, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 17: Every Day is Gravy

3:19 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: Every day and word from here through Dec. 1 may be gravy after hitting the official 50k NaNo goal yesterday, but there will be no resting on my laurels just yet! I dove back in today for another 2k sprint, which is about to propel me into the dramatic climactic scene of the story. 

Daily Total: 2280 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 
Alex’s eyes flooded with silver light, and he raised his hand. “I vow not to touch it, fellow dragon. I recognize this treasure as part of your own body, bound to you until and unless you surrender it willingly.” He lifted his chin, and his eyes returned to normal. “Which might be a cold day in hell, regardless of your plan to hand it over to Palmer. But whatever.”

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 16: So 50k Just Happened

1:48 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: I DID IT! After taking a bit of a break yesterday, I cruised past the 50k goal during today's sprint. There's still 2 chapters plus change left to write, though, so I'll keep plugging away.

Daily Total: 3369 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 
“Why turn yourself in if you weren’t feeling the least bit guilty?”
“It wasn’t my idea to run in the first place.”
“Ah, yes, because some mystery guy off the street whisked you away in his magical flying machine.”

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 15: Slip Slidin Away

3:49 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: Well, it's officially the halfway point for NaNoWriMo. I had today off from my "day job," so technically I could have pushed on through and crossed the 50k with half a month to spare. Alas, I won a gift card to Olive Garden and treated the family to a carb overload we won't soon forget. So yeah, I'm full and sleeping and feeling quite lazy at the moment. If I regain consciousness later tonight, I'll add to the word count, but for now, it was my shortest output yet. 

Daily Total: 456 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 

“Let him come after me directly. If he was in any way responsible for what’s happened to Claire, I’d love to have a little fist-to-face chat with him about it.”

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 14: Almost There

2:02 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: Late start again, but pulled it off. Crossed 45k and I can see that finish line just up ahead!

Daily Total: 2300 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 

“You were looking around all confused, like you wondered what a surly bastard like me is doing in a fancy place like this.” 

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Monday, November 13, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 13: 40k and Kickin It

12:00 AM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: I did some more sprinting yesterday after my post, then got up this morning and got back at it. Hello, 40k, and not even halfway into November. This book is zipping along quickly, and I mean pretty fast. I'm already setting up for the big climatic scene, which at this word count sort of surprised me. I thought I would have a lot more chapters/words by this point.

Daily Total: 3708

Favorite Line Written Today (Adult content): 

“Last chance,” he said, and she sucked in a little breath when she felt him brushing against her entrance. He stared down at her with a primal expression. “Before it actually gets a little intense between us.”

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 Day 12: Weekend Shmeekend

12:00 PM 0 Comments
I've interrupted my normal blog schedule to bring you daily updates from November's National Novel Writing Challenge

Throughout November, I'll be checking in daily with some quick notes, a progress meter, and to share my favorite line written that day! 

Daily Notes: It's my weekend off from the day job, but that didn't mean not getting any work done. Did some cleaning, made Yankee Pot Roast, cut my daughter's hair, and then worked on my word count and blasted beyond 35k.

Daily Total: 3553 words

Favorite Line Written Today: 
“Have a little faith in the man who saved your life, Claire. You haven’t seen all my tricks yet.”

Daily Progress:

About this year's NaNo, Kiss of the Dragon:

A firefighter breaks all the rules to rescue a beautiful woman from a fire--and that's just the start of his new and bizarre behavior. Saving his mate has triggered a power he never knew existed, one that could burn down his career and scare away the object of his newly ignited passion. Keeping his condition secret is the best way to preserve both, but how long can he hide the massive, fiery dragon lurking within?

~ *~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ * ~ *~ 

I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and Facebook. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

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