Thursday, January 26, 2017

# Throwback Thursday

My First Blog Post Ever - Throwback Thursday

On select Thursdays, I like to share a throwback to past writing, book trailers, or randomness about me and/or writing life.

I've been around the blogosphere for a while now-I'm in my thirteenth year, to be exact. By the time I began, I already felt like I was quite late to the party. In the time since, I've launched or taken part in something like ten different blogs (not counting dozens of guest spots).

To everything there is a humble beginning, and I thought I'd share mine. Here's my first blog post, written December 21, 2004.

Blogging 101
Lisa Logan

Welcome to my learning process! I've finally managed to take the deep dark plunge into the whirlpool of blogging. Yes, I realize this places me a bit too far behind the knife to consider myself on the cutting edge. You know what they say about the plumber having the worst plumbing in town? Well, the same holds true for this web designer--my own sites are always the last to get updated. 

Yesterday's live radio interview with KIC Internet Radio was great fun! Kelli was a wonderful host and I enjoyed reading my story The Christmas Present. Doing the live read this way took me back to the days of the old radio serial dramas. Thanks to all the listeners who Emailed in from around the country during the broadcast with questions and comments. I had a great time.   

That was my one and only post for 2004. 2005 saw a grand total of 4 posts from me. I didn't begin blogging regularly until 2007.  The above post mentions me being a web designer, which is something I did on the side for years. I designed author web sites until I decided to get serious about writing myself.  The radio interview was one of two I've ever done, this one part of the prize for winning a short story contest with my first romantic urban fantasy, The Christmas Present. It was conducted via a large microphone plugged into my old dinosaur computer.

This year marks the tenth anniversary since I began blogging seriously, and I still love it! Here's to ten more, then ten after that...

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I'm J. Rose Allister, wife, working mom, and the author of over thirty books. Somewhere in between one and the next, I love hanging out here on my blog and over on Twitter. Give me a comment or follow-I love chatting with people!

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