Tuesday, November 2, 2010

# Post

J. Rose's Week 1 Best Lines for NaNo 2010

(Looking for my "BEST NANOWRIMO LINE" Contest? Click HERE for rules and Week 1 entries.)

Each year I post my own personal favorite lines while I'm writing for NaNoWriMo. Starting next week, I will be combining my faves in the weekly official contest post, but for now here are my own writing picks for each day's work on CRYSTAL'S COWBOYS:

11/1: (4050 words): His shirt felt hot against her cheek, but soft as silk compared to the hard dirt she’d been napping on a few minutes before.

11/2: (4615 words today/8665 total): “Yeah, well, it’s this cowboy’s day off, and I think I’ll sleep in until ass-crack-thirty.”

11/3: (6239 words today/14904 total): She’d almost rather run through the hospital in her underwear than with her hair looking like something a cactus bush had vomited up.

11/4: (1395 words today/16299 total): "You both deserve extra hero points for saving a woman who looks like death came, saw, and ran screaming."

11/5: (4142 words today/20441 total):“Who knows how many other jobs starting with 'c' that I saved him from by introducing him to his true calling.”

11/6: (5312 words today/25753 total): "But there’s a part of me that isn’t better yet—the part of me that knows who is out there looking for me.”

11/6: (5611 words today/31364 total): "Sex doesn’t always have to be about undying commitment, you know--sometimes it’s just comfort food.”

11/7: (3112 words today/34476 total):“The way I remember it, you weren’t holding your 'own' at all--some selfish little filly was making you hold both of hers.”

That's it for Week 1! Wow, I can't believe it's over already. Want to see more Favorite Lines from CRYSTAL'S COWBOYS? Click HERE and scroll to the bottom of my Week 2 contest post. Enjoy!


J. Rose Allister is the author of more than twenty-five books, primarily romance and erotic romance. A former editor and submissions director, she now works as a mild-mannered hospital secretary by day, naughty writer by night. Connect with her on Twitter or Goodreads. She loves talking to people.

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