In honor of National Novel Writing Month, I'll be running a series of posts featuring tips on writing craft and NaNoWriMo strategies straight from the mouths of fellow authors and NaNo participants.
Don't have a plot with NaNo is just hours away? There's still time! To kick off the month, here's some great advice from 7-time NaNo winner Claxton A. Graham. Take it away, Claxton!
Surviving and Thriving During NaNoWriMo
by Claxton A. Graham
Your main character and the supporting players are the lynchpins of your story.
You can find virtually every type of story among the ranks of your fellow writers at NaNoWriMo. There's adventure, romance, horror, disaster, and comedy – sometimes all in the same story.
A story set against the backdrop of the realistic past can be just as compelling as a story set in the future yet to come.
Our world provides a treasure trove of locales in which to set a story. So too does your imagination.
This is a question that only you, the writer, can answer. And the answers will vary Some will tell their story in hopes of finding a large audience. Others will do it just because it's something they've always wanted to do.
(Note: for more info on NaNoWriMo, visit
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